Do You Know What Costly Threats Are Lurking on Your Network?

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EMR Solution Ontario

We are here to uncover potentially costly threats you’re not even aware are there!

network security

Far too many business owners believe securing their assets involves installing an anti-virus program and firewalls, then calling it a day. But the truth is, that is far from enough to keep your assets secure against cybercrime. In fact, hackers are evolving at a rapid rate – becoming more sophisticated than ever before. You simply can’t afford to leave security on the backburner.

You’ve seen the news: hackers are finding innovative ways to take down companies like yours on a daily basis…

All organizations handling information/assets should conduct a risk assessment. Why? Simple: data breaches are costly – taking all of your time and money trying to recover as you miss business opportunities, lose customers, and of course, your reputation takes a huge hit.

Alary Clinitech works with companies in a multitude of vertical markets – from nonprofit to legal to finance and everything in between. We understand the common risks facing each vertical market – and we are here to help you avoid the hefty costs associated with data breaches.

We will perform a comprehensive risk assessment wherein we will assess your entire environment to:

  1. Outline confidential information/assets that must be protected to comply with any industry-specific regulations and avoid reputational damage.
  2. Determine what’s vulnerable in terms of internal security settings and solutions, such as missing third-party patches, aging equipment, and more.
  3. Create a plan to mitigate risks and improve security; whether that involves updating settings, upgrading equipment, or enhancing computing protocols.

Nobody wants hackers to take their company down, we can all agree to that. Contact Alary Clinitech at (416) 291-7377 or email us at to discover what we can do to help you stay safe. We will perform a comprehensive risk assessment along with managing all of your technology for greater security and peace of mind.

Connect With Alary Clinitech

  • 25 sheppard Ave West Suite 300, Toronto, ONM2N 6S6
  • (416) 291_-7377