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Free Ransomware Decryption Tools to Get Your Business Back on Track

Free ransomware decryption tools are essential for removing malware from your computer and allowing your system to work once again.  

Free Ransomware Decryption

Ransomware will wreak havoc on your computer system and your data files. While there are some preventative measures, you can take to avoid ransomware, once your system is infected with this type of malware your data can be held hostage. The ransomware demands a bitcoin fee that most IT security experts suggest you don’t pay because it rarely works. Your better choice is to find a ransomware decryption tool that can help you get back your data and get your system back under firm control.

Creators of ransomware are looking to take data to steal identities or to find out sensitive information. While the name implies that a ransom is requested and could be paid, there is little proof that paying a ransom is going to get your system back to where it needs to be.

The Wildfire Ransomware Decryption Tool

Wildfire was developed after cyber criminals made away with $80,000 over a period of a month and infected more than 5,600 systems with malware. Kaspersky Lab was able to seize the server along with all the encryption keys, building a ransomware decryption tool in the process.

The Chimera Ransomware Decryption Tool

Chimera utilizes working decryption keys that were discovered on an internet forum. IT security experts were able to test the decryption keys and found that they were effective at removing ransomware.

The Rannoh Ransomware Decryption Tool

The Rannoh decryption tool cleans your system of CryptXXX and Rannoh malware. There has to be one file that hasn’t been corrupted by the CryptXXX malware in order of the Rannoh decryption tool to be effective. Otherwise, you’ll have to try a different decryption tool to clean your system.

The CoinVault Ransomware Decryption Tool

If you have files encrypted with CoinVault or Bitcryptor, you can utilize the CoinVault decryption tool to remove the malware from your system. This tool includes more than 14,000 decryption keys and is highly useful when your system has been compromised by malware.

Free ransomware decryption tools are prevalent on the internet, and it’s important to find the right tool for your specific needs. Ransomware can cause serious problems with your system, steal all of your data and give you few options to deal with the malware. With new malware always being created, decryption tools are always trying to stay ahead of the game by coming up with solutions to the most likely problems you’ll encounter. When strategies in place didn’t keep your system free from malware, it’s important to remove the malware as soon as possible using a free decryption tool.

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